It's been a while since my last post. My computer was on the fritz then we got into the holidays and well, I just got out of the habit of blogging. I was doing pretty good there for a while, hoping to get to it most weeks this year (a continuation of my resolution for last year). One of the things that has been keeping me busy of late is that my landlord informed me right after the first of the year that she's giving up the house. Lots of drama there and frankly I'm glad to be out of the place soon - the smoking, the wonky washer, the running toilet! I think I will be MUCH happier in the new place. Here are some pictures!
Look at all that counter space!!
Much more open concept and the dreaded desk (which is currently in the hallway of my old place) will fit! Success!
One thing I have learned about myself is that apparently, I am a spice hoarder. You will see below that I have three (count, them 3!!) reusable grocery bags of spices. Now to be fair, the blue bag has 2 bins of bags of spices, so that's not too much and the insulated bag has my box of herbs/spices for bitters. So I guess it isn't really that much (the rationalization of a true hoarder)...
After packing it all up, I vowed that I was going to go through it all. There has to be duplicates, right?
As it turns out, not really that many duplicates. Oye. As any good, OCD, pharmacist, I made a list of the weirder spices that I have and gave myself a deadline of using everything at least once in 6 months. If I don't, then it is getting thrown away. I'm sure some of it isn't even good anymore, I mean some of those spices are from when I lived in Tucson (which was almost 4 years ago). There is some sentimental attachment to most of these though - spices I brought back from Bali (anyone know what to do with black chilly?), lemongrass and galangal powder from the Indonesian Super Bowl party my mom, aunt Lora and I threw, Turkish salad seasoning and curries from when my mom went to Turkey, Indian curry from when she went to India, my friend Ravi's dad's special home mixed garam masala he brought back for an Indian dinner party, chile from Tucson, the list goes on an on.
I am so looking forward to breaking in my new kitchen using all of these spices! Will keep you all posted how it goes along the way.