Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pharmacy Week Eats

Happy Hospital Pharmacy Week! In celebration, we always have a week full of interesting contests and food. Pharmacy Technician Appreciation Day is on Tuesday and usually the pharmacists bring in food for the techs. We are doing a dessert day and I saw this recipe for Lemon-Cranberry Pie Bars in the most recent issue of Food and Wine. I happened to see cranberries in my grocery store and knew these would be a good addition to the festivities.

Start first with making the cranberry swirl. Cook cranberries, cloves and water until berries pop.

Pour into a blender and puree.

Pour through a strainer and cool to room temp.

While waiting for the cranberry puree to cool, make the crust.

When the crust is cool, make the lemon filling. Add 1 cup of filling to the cranberry puree.

Pour lemon filling into crust and swirl in cranberry puree.

Bake until custard is set, about 40 min (the recipe said 35 min, I found that I needed more time).

Yum, yum! These were just set and tasted kinda like a lemon bar with some cranberry. These need to get out of my house, fast!!

The other thing I made was a Caramelized Onion Dip for Tailgate Day - a potluck. Of course, I had some changes - I tend to stick to the recipe when it comes to baked goods but when you just cook, I tend to make some changes. I ended up cooking the onions twice as long as in the recipe - an hour total, since they weren't brown enough after just a half hour.


An hour later

Let onions cool then roughly chop. In a stand mixer beat cream cheese, sour cream and mayo - I used reduced fat versions of all and a greek yogurt cream cheese. Add salt and pepper to taste - I also added Italian seasoning. Refrigerate until firm. Serve with chips. It has a nice sweet flavor from the onions. Tasty!

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