Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Great Natural Sweetener Faceoff

I'm constantly trying to make my diet more natural. Bit by bit I'm changing things. This time around it's no calorie sweetener. I've always been a Splenda user but feel that a chemically modified sugar isn't something I want, especially since it goes in my morning coffee every day (for 2 cups). Through my experience on a cleanse, I found liquid stevia, which I really like and use when I'm at home. But I have run into a problem of what to use at work, since we do not have a refrigerator. Thus the face off begins!! Below you will find the contenders:

Pure Via (stevia), Nectresse (monk fruit), Stevia in the Raw
Yes, I know there are 2 stevia products. I wanted to know if there was a difference between the two brands, and I found that there was. I tried to be a scientific as possible buy using the same flavor of coffee and creamer between my two cups of coffee each morning. (Yes, the same problem that is preventing me from using my beloved liquid stevia also precludes me from using liquid creamer. Stay tuned for what I'm doing to make these more natural.)

The results are in!!

I found that each packet had about equal sweetness compared to the other, with the exception of the Stevia in the Raw if it came after one of the other sweeteners. However, if I had the Stevia in the Raw first, then I didn't notice a difference in sweetness.'s a THREE WAY TIE!!! I guess the tiebreaker here is cost. At my local grocery store I paid:

$3.19 for 50 packets of Stevia in the Raw (6 cents per packet)
$3.99 for 50 packets of Nectresse (8 cents per packet) 
$3.29 for 40 packets of Pure Via (8 cents per packet)

I'm fairly certain that since I picked the smallest box of packets I could find for each and did not use store brands, I paid more per packet. So when I need a refill on packets, I'll go for the store brand at a big box store, the MOST cost efficient way to get staples like sweeteners.

Stay tuned for what I have planned to replace my powdered creamers!!

Watch out creamer!! You're next!!

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