Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I smell lemons...

For the past few days I have walked in my kitchen and smelled something sweet. Couldn't figure out where the smell was coming from but shrug it off. Then it occurred to me...the limoncello. Well if I could smell it then we are in BIG trouble, because it means the alcohol is leaking out via the cheesecloth!! Boo. Sure enough, I take a look at the jar and I see this:

That lemony goodness is supposed to be IN my jar, not outside of it!! So I thought and thought of how to fix this and it came to me, just as I was falling asleep last night (doesn't it always work that way?). I would find some sort of non-toxic putty and seal the jar!

So after work today I went to the hardware store to query the staff about finding this mystical putty. After I explained what I was looking for, and after the clerk had a momentary blank look on their face, I find myself in the plumbing aisle trying to read the warnings on the jar to see if it is toxic or not. Another clerk comes by and I explain myself again and he dashes my dreams by telling me that no matter what, if there is cheesecloth under the lid, it will wick...

Thankfully, he was thinking and suggested I coat the top of the jar in paraffin wax. Now that's what I'm talking about!! So I buy the necessary supplies:

And attempt to seal the top of my jar. This is what I get in the end:

It's not pretty by any means but I think it will do the job of sealing and solving my wicking problem. I also think I made 2 new friends at the hardware store...and the only causality of war was a measuring cup covered in wax!


  1. this is hilarious... your Italian craftsmanship

    1. I think parafilm often used in labs to cover the culture dish would've been perfect for this.

    2. That's a thought. Where would you get that? I think my wax pouring would get better with time. Although, I do like the somewhat artfullness of the wax dripping down the sides...
